Awwww you guys.....

Well shucks guys, you made me feel so special and important during this Sandy shit, by contacting me to see if I was okay. Except for one specific person and to you I would like to give you a royally huge,


Damn, that felt good.

And yeah, just in case you were still wondering, it is all good in the hood.

For those of you who don't know I live in NYC but I was actually out of town this weekend for a wake and my parents literally forbade me to travel back to NYC (I was supposed to go back up Monday @ 6a.m.). So this has just turned into a nice little vaycay with the fam. And I actually get along with my parents so it really has been a fun time, filled with booze and booze and um, more booze.

One of my roommates got stuck alone in the apartment, which, fuck, that sucks. And she took a few photos... we live near the east river so yeah...there was some flooding...

Crazy right?! Just some minor flooding on a major avenue and I would like to point out the two people who deemed it necessary to walk through that shit in the second biggie. But we really lucked out. Lower Manhattan got fuckkkkkkked. (I say this like you haven't been watching the news and didn't already know have been watching the news right? That's okay, me neither.)

But you better have been watching the SVU marathon that was airing alllllll dayyyyyyy yesterday, or you can go to hell you dirty bastard, you.

You know me and the roomie were. 

Side note: I'm the one in green.

Side note, side note: I have an iPhone.

Side note, side note, side note: I have no life.

Did I mention I didn't have a life, and am currently on the hunt for yet another SVU marathon? 

Yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh....I'ma go eat now.