The choice is seriously...I'm letting you decide.

Well shit…today is Ash Wednesday, and being the good Catholic that I am…I completely forgot.

…so seeing as I’m a total Catholic douche…I am going to let you (the viewers) pick what I give up for lent!

No seriously…you get to decide…and then watch then watch me blog about my living hell…
What are the choices you ask?

1.    Porn
2.    Unsolicited bitchiness
3.    Mayo…I don’t want to talk about it….
4.    Eating sandwiches…while watching porn
5.    Fruit
6.    Unsolicited cursing
7.    Unsolicited cursing…while watching porn
8.    Unsolicited cursing…while watchin porn…while eating a mayo drenched sandwich
9.    Michelob ultras?
10.    Hot chocolate
11.    Hot chocolate…while eating mayo…while watching porn…while eating a sandwich
12.    Salt
13.    Diet coke
14.    Crack
15.    Cocaine

The choice is yours.