I'm moving...

Three blocks down the street that is, to this amazing apartment with a terrace, and two, count 'em TWO bathrooms and a dishwasher, and CLOSETS, holy fucking shit there are so closests.

It's just crazy that I've almost hit the one year mark in NYC and quite honestly, I haven't done shit. It's been the big kick in my ass that I needed, but it's not exactly making life easier.

In about a week me and matty boy shall embark in the adventure of walking the majority of our shit three blocks down to our new place in spanish harlem. Yesterday, I was carrying boxes home from work and about 4 men within 2 blocks were like, "MMMMMMMM girl. You need help? Cause I can help you. I can help you realllllllllll good." So carrying tables and appliances and shit is going to be hilarious. "MMMMMMMM girl. You gotta blenda' in yo hands. You want me to blend shit for you? I can blend reallllllllll goooooooood for yah."

I'll never forget the day we got the apartment, either. We found it on craiglist's and literally hid behind the only tree on the block trying to figure it out if we were at the right place.

"Is that it?"

"I don't know."

"Is that a funeral home underneath it!?"


"Matt, there's a couple outside the apartment holding pinkies. Quick, hold my pinky!"

Don't worry, we beat out the douches holding pinkies, even with me turning to the broker and yelling, "Uh, we don't have jobs. Is that going to be an issue?"

Four hours later we were in our hotel room when the broker called saying we got the apartment, leading me to jump up and down repeatedly in a dress with no bra on. Now, whenever I need some good ol' fashioned luck, I don't wear a bra, and it seems to work.

I wish I was joking.

About three weeks later I moved in. Matt moved in a week before me. I moved in on my 23rd birthday. Cause that's always some good birthday fun, being smushed in the back of a car looking for a place to park in Spanish harlem while your dad screams, "Yeah Natalie, let's take German in high school. Let's not listen to dad and take Spanish. Nooooooooo. Cause one day you're going to move into German Harlem. And you'll need to know a shit to of German when living in German harlem!"

And it's been fun in our railroad style apartment with the roaches, and that slight infestion of mice back in january, and the bathroom in the kitchen and that possible gang related shooting outside our apartment the second week we lived here...

Yeahhhhhhh, it's time to move.