You like me, you really like me!

Seeing as I suck @ life, I’ve been given 4 awards this past month from Alexandra @ The Tsaritsa Sez; Heather @ Boyfriend Challenged; Lilly @ Pre-Life Crisis; and Amber @ Anxious Amber, and have yet to return the wealth.

So first things first, I’m supposed to tell you 10 random facts about myself. Is it ten? Or seven? Fuck it; I’m doing ten.

1. My left knee has dislocated on me a million times. If the pain of dislocation is the same as childbirth…well fuck that noise. The first time I can remember it dislocating was when I was five. I just had it checked out a year ago, and supposedly my knee joint is misaligned so now I have to wear a knee brace when I work-out and I can’t do any sports where my knee pivots…not like I did to begin with. I usually wear the knee brace when I go to sleep to, unless I’m obliterated, which, is often.

2. One time this guy was so bad at “going-down” that I faked myself into hyperventilation. Too much shallow breathing, I guess. It got so bad that half my body went numb, and not in the good way. I even had to make him stop, cause the numbness of my arms really started to freak me out. The sex was good though.

3. I’m obsessed with SNL. I have seen every episode since it’s inception. When I was younger my summer vacations were planned around reruns of SNL on comedy central. It played from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. and then from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m., and yes, I never missed an episode. I’m notorious amongst my friends for ditching them on Saturday nights when a new season is airing.

4. I used to be fat.

5. I get agnostics but I don’t really get atheists. It may just be because I’m Catholic, and not believing in God is something I don’t really want to risk. Eternal damnation is a long fucking time.

6. The first time I actually got high was sophomore year of college on a Wednesday night after taking 3 gravity bong hits. The first 10 minutes was awesome the next 3 hours was me vomiting in a toilet. The next day I skipped my anthropology class, and because I missed that one class I failed my final, bringing my A down to a C+. It was totally worth it.

7. I have a sick obsession with mayo. I know it’s going to kill me, but Jesus Christ, its fucking awesome.

8. My perfect man is a combination of Jim Gaffigan, Mike Birbiglia, the voice of Harold Ramis and Hyde from That’s 70s show, not the actor that plays him, but the fictional character itself.

9. I love popping zits. There I said it. And anyone who says they don’t is totally full of shit.

10. I wish I were a snake.

Now on to the awards,

Mikey @ Happy Berfday To Me I went to college with this guy and the dude is funny. Check him out.

Thoughts of a Randmonista @ TOAR I like her attitude and so should you!

And last but no leas,t Dan @ From the head of Danaconda . I swear he is the male version of me and it’s fucking awesome.

Thanks again guys for rocking my world!