Girls, Girls, Girls

I feel like the show “Girls” is getting a lot of unnecessary hate.  First of all let me just say that this is definitely not a show for men, unless you want to watch the lead character get a pap smear and talk about her fear of contracting AIDs, then by all means gentlemen, watch away.

That being said, this show is fucking brilliant and yes, the show is not “Sex and the City” but you know what that show was bullshit, what 35 year old ladies have fucking bodies like them?! And this is coming from a true lover of “Sex and the City.”

Seven hundred and fifty a month on the upper east side, Carrie Bradshaw, in a rent controlled apartment? BULLLLLLLLSHHHHHHHHITTTT.

Yeah, two girls living in Green Point, Brooklyn in a shitty apartment is way more fucking believable.

With “Girls” this is my life. I live in fucking NYC, I am a “writer,” this is the shit I deal with, and not going to lie, I am not looking forward to the call I get from my mother once she finally watches the pilot and goes, “Woah. Woah. Woah. Is this what your life in NYC is like?”

“….little bit.”

But it’s so true! I have had that conversation about AIDs (and pregnancy) with my friends on a million different occasions only to get the response, “Well, Natalie if anyone were to get pregnant… it would be you.”

Granted, maybe I shouldn’t have had unprotected sex those two times, but whatever, you take Plan B, feel really sick for three days, straight and you move on with your life.

I feel like people hate the show “Girls” because 1. Either  you think that this is not your life at all as a 20-something girl. Or 2. because this is your life and it’s a little fucking scary to see on a TV.

You hate the characters because either you are that character or you know that character. You know that dumb fucking girl. You used to live with that dumb fucking girl. You have talked shit about that dumb fucking girl while drunkenly peeing in the bathroom with your friends.

And don’t pretend like you haven’t talked shit about that girl before. If you have a vagina you are genetically predisposed to talking shit about other people with vaginas.

Stop looking at the show as a group of four entitled princesses and embrace it for it’s brutal honesty and how these girls aren’t fucking perfect.

I do not have a six-pack. I will never be tan. I will never not have a little bit of cellulite on my ass and to see Lena Dunham basically naked, and she’s kind of chunky, which is totally fine, it’s amazing to see someone finally has the balls and the gall, especially a lady, get up there, and fucking go for it. Naked that is.

Can we just all admit that if you are a 20-something lady in this day an age, that we do not have our shit together, yet we are grasping on so tightly to make all this shit make sense? And whether you like it or not, that is what this show is about, highlighting the absurdity of our young 20-somesthing need to constantly make everything in our lives make sense.