I want to defriend this person, but their ignorant statuses are just too fucking funny.

Now, I just want to say, I was not a fan of either candidate. I think Robin Williams puts it correctly, "politicians are just like diapers...they are full of shit." This is not a, "Yay! Romney fans are stupid!" post. This is a, "Wooooooaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh.....certain people should not be given a voice on a social media platform....like...ever," post.

This is called ignorance people, and it is icky (and also looks terrible in khakis). 

Now go read a fucking book, person who wrote all these status updates (which I've blurred out their name, profile picture and...wait for it...fucking social securtiy number, for obvious reasons.)

**Honestly, I was shocked he even knew who Heller Keller was....and spelled her name correctly...but let's talk more about these "shits." 

**Right, back at yah, kiddo.

 **Now, I'm intrigued by this T-shirt venture you speak of, HOWEVER, I will only buy this shirt if "lying" is spelled incorrectly...I don't think society would want it any other way.

**Now....maybe this is just me, but don't think I can vote for someone who can't spell campaign correctly...or tomorrow...

Also, I totally defriended this person. As much as I loved mocking them, it was time to let go...and plus my friends will totally keep me updated on this gem of a facebook profile.