I have a very bad valley girl voice and I never notice it, cause I’ve pretty much sounded since I was six…I was very popular in 1st grade, thank you very much.
…but I get really self-conscious once some one does point it out.
“He probably thinks I just had sex….how did he know?”
And by valley girl voice I really mean… I sound like a whore…a dumb one. But I kind of am a whore…so it kind of works…gentlemen.
This is what a whore sounds like…can you hear it? Can you hear it through the typing?
My friends in class would always be like, “ You sound like a whore.”
“I just answered a question in our media law class…how the fuck did I sound like a whore doing that?
But I did…I really did.
“So when you say like, 2+2 is 4…what exactly do you mean…cause this is some pretty e.t. shit… I abbreviated…not the alien thingy…don’t act like you don’t know what I’m talking about…cause that makes you the whore…whore.”
I think I figured it out though…it’s not necessarily when I ask questions (Okay maybe then too)…it’s when the teacher (or anyone for that matter) was answering my question when I really sound like a whore.
The teachers staring at you and only you... and you can’t look away cause you asked the question…and
I could never look away cause I’d knew the teacher would be like…
“That bitch ain’t taking no notes.”
And I wasn’t taking no notes…and you can only nod your head for long so to fill that awkward void in my heart… I started answering back…
“Yeah…okay…that feels so good…in my head…cause now it makes sense…say it again…just do it….do it again…”
So it just sounds like I’m having mediocre sex…
Maybe that’s why I only got a C in that class?