I really want to bag a jew.
Is it bag or bone? I really need straighten this out.
…when I was younger I thought “jazz” was actually the correct term for “jizz”…fuck you, it makes sense.
“Yeah, that hoe just got jazzed in the face, yo!”
Poetic, really.
Any who…back to the jews. I would like to bag one (or two) whatever’s cheaper.
I just think it’s a demographic that I haven’t really hit on yet…well…scratch that…I hit on them all the time…I think the stench of my catholic guilt scares them away… that or my abnormal mayo consumption…one of the two.
Honestly, I just think it’s every catholic girl’s right to bag/bone/feed Taco Bell to a jew.
…I’m assuming Taco Bell is kosher. I mean, we all know it’s not really “meat” meat.
Whatever, even if it isn’t kosher I’m still force-feeding you a “steak” quesidilla, bitch.
Deal with it.
But really, it’s like the ultimate “fuck you” to the catholic church. Like, remember all those years you told me to become a nun, catholic school, remember?
Yeah…about that…
Ima do you one better and revert back to the religion that precedes all the teachings you shoved down my throat and bone a jew… tell him I’m pregnant…but really just shove a pillow under my shirt…he’ll never notice… then force him to marry me…then tell him I’m not really pregnant…told you it would work…. and live harmoniously as a catholic and a jew….
…but in two years I’ll force him to convert to Catholism, because honestly, I’ll be too cheap to give our children a “Chrismakauh” and support my raging drug addictions for one more god damn year…so in the end I guess you win, Jesus.
You win, Jesus. You always do.