Shit hits a little too close to fo real.
I seriously hate how much this show reflects my life and I get to say that cause I live in NYC, bitches, and seem to be stuck in a constant quarter-life crisis.
Side note: I always hate those girls that are like, "Ohemgeeeee, I'm so like the real life version of Liz Lemon!" Really, blond girl with perfect boobs, REALLY?! Did you just dip a tostito chip in to a can of vanilla icing at 11 in the morning? Because I just did. Know your role, ladies.
I think "Girls" has really shown people that being a 20-something lady, ain't that fun. Yeah, my boobs are perky, but that's about it. I'm so lost and confused that the mere act of picking up a stuffed animal has brought me to wailing sobs, because some days I just want to be that fat, fugly nine-year-old again. When shit didn't fucking matter, and two chicken burritos and a marathon of SNL solved all my problems.
I'm constantly thinking, "Well fuck," about EVERYTHING in my life. "Well fuck, maybe I'm not as good of a writer as I thought I was." /"Well fuck, he really didn't in love me and now I'm stuck in the vicious cycle of emotional neediness and constant embarrassment over the sacrifices I was willing to make for him."/ "Well fuck, the tortilla chips are too small to dip into the queso jar without getting cheese on my hands."
I get Marnie's character so much, I just want someone to tell me this is what my life will be. That this is what I should do, seeing as majority of my choices blow up in my face. Maybe it won't be what I want to hear, but at least I'll fucking know and I'm assuming food will be involved.
Everything is a constant slap in the face now. My birth control is a daily reminder of how much sex I'm not having. Which yes, I'm actively choosing not to have sex, and for the most part, it's helped me clear up at least one section of my mind. But some days, bitch just wants to get laid.
And let's not forget those god damn student loan bills, as a monthly reminder of how much my college degree has done for me...oh wait, it's done shit.
Yaaaaaayyyyyy, growing up. Yaaaaaaayyyyy, being in a constant state of insecurity. When does it all make sense? Or do does it never makes sense and you finally just give up and say, "fuck it" I'ma eat more Twisted Cheeto puffs and hope this episode of Gilmore Girls sparks some divine inspiration.
Because I've been doing that...and nothing is happening...