Two years after graduation...

It has been two years since I graduated from college, and I can’t decide how much of an emotional wreck I should be.

I like to think that I’ve grown as a person in the last two years, but quite honestly on paper that doesn’t seem to be the case…

1 year after graduation

-didn’t find wearing pants as an adequate use of my time

-sprayed icing on mini-donuts on a daily basis

-cried into mini-donuts with icing sprayed on top of them on more than one occasion

-didn’t know how to properly show affection in public

-consistently wrote in a blog that is going to be big one day! Big I tell you!

-worked as Supervisor of a summer camp-and yeah, I never fucking want kids

-afraid of birth control

-only have taken Plan B once in my life

-didn’t leave my bed because, well because…it was really fucking comfortable.

-sexually fantasized about Danny Glover in Lethal Weapon 4…I don’t want to talk about it.

-lived with my parents

2 years after graduation

-still don’t seem to find wearing pants as an adequate use of my time

-consistently eating reece’s ice cream at 8am/10am/12:34pm/2:30pm/7:30pm/12:00am

-cried into a tub of reece’s ice cream on one occasion

-still don’t know how to properly show affection in public

-every time I see “Push” and/or “Pull” on the Duane Reade door… I hesitate

-still consistently writing in a blog that is going to be big one day! Big I tell you!

-I’m a nanny- and yeah, I never want kids

-still afraid of birth control

-only have taken Plan B two times in my life

-don’t leave my bed because I’m doing freelance work

-sexually fantasized about Donald Glover in Community…I DO want to talk about it

-live with my best friend matt in NYC, which is basically like living with two nagging parents (LOVE YOU MATTHEW)