
Well kiddies, I've been getting a lot of requests for a new vlog so seeing as my last one was an epic failure... we are going to try a different route this time.

I'm letting YOU the reader of this epically awesome blog, ask me questions that I will then answer via the blog. You can ask me ANYTHING. You can ask me about my fat days (ermmm i mean years) weirdest experience in life...etc... and I have to answer truthfully. I may even have my roommate, Matt help with the answers in the vlog as well.

Now I can't guarantee that I can answer every question (if I even get any questions)...but I will try my gosh darnedest hardest!

And if you all keep asking questions...I'll keep answering them in my start asking...I'm going to make a sandwich now...I expect to see 267 questions when I get back from my mayo comma...

which looks like this...