People don’t really like “weird.” Well, I take that back…people don’t like being associated with weird, not at first at least.
Thank you, high school. If I learned anything from high school it’s that the best thing to do is conform to your surrounding social norms. Not trying to sound like a downer, but weird is/was not considered cool.
Which quite honestly, I will never understand.
I’m weird. I’ve always been aware of this fact, and probably explains why I was so quiet in high school…I knew I needed to hide that crazy shit going on in my head, bitches.
And it’s not exactly that people don’t like weird…and it’s not that these “weird” people are in fact weird. Weird is an adjective attached to many things that are NOT weird, just unexplainable for “normal” people to grasp.
For the most part people that are considered weird are in fact just brutally honest with themselves and their surroundings…and honesty is just one fact of life many people will never really feel comfortable dealing with.
Yet, normal people surrounded by “weird” people makes them feel secure…or for a lack of better words…unweird.
….what a fucking cop-out.
I don’t know how many times I’ve heard through laughing gasps of breath, “Oh god you’re so weird!”
Yet, they always come back for more, they want more laughs, they want more constant reminders that they aren’t me, and can sleep at night soundly knowing this fact reins true.
Have fun on your high horse…living your mediocre life.
Sorry I wasn’t afraid to take a chance. Or say it like is. Maybe it’s just because I am weird, but I find normal people painstakingly boring.
Get a hobby…grow some balls. Say something for once in your goddamn life that may actually offend someone.
I for one, have offended a shit tin of people (if you haven’t noticed)…also…if I haven’t offended you yet…brace yourself.
Sorry but you are not going to please everyone. So get off your fucking high horse and make a racist joke.
Get a personality. Because while yes you may think people are weird…we just find you boring.
Which quite honestly, is so much worse. No one remembers boring. No one. Why? Because you are fucking boring.
Some one had to say it.
And sorry if you got offended when I informed you that “Beer craps are in fact the best kind.”
Well…they fucking are. And you know it…or you wouldn’t have laughed if you didn’t already agree.
Or if the fact that I’m in a relationship with Hellman’s Mayo on facebook, weird’s you out. Well fuck a duck… love is love is love is loves. And if Hellman’s loves me, then I love Hellman. He’s gotten me through some tough times…can you say the same?
BTW…Ben AND Jerry are cheating on your boring ass…you can blame Cherry Garcia for that one.
I will never be that girl, who doesn’t look slightly LD when she laughs… or who can look sexy while she dances. Or who can’t not not laugh while your going down on her…because she thinking how absurd this would look if her roommate walked in.
Deal with it.
p. s. this post has nothing to do with the intern.