I'm against children...

I’m against children. Scratch that. I’m against certain people having children. Myself included.

You better believe I wrap it before I tap it. I don’t want any mini-me’s popping out of my butt hole anytime soon.

I’m doing America – no -I’m doing the whole world a favor. I’ve even thought about getting my tubes tied, but I don’t think they allow women to do that until they are of a certain age. It’s kind of like you have to be 35 to run for president, but more sexist.

I get the need to pro-create, kids are here for no other reason than to replace us. But I’m so surprised people don’t see the huge error in our ways. We are replacing America with our mistakes; our self-involved, self-obsessed, possibly ugly mistakes.

This is not good.

Only talented people should mate. Yes, mate. That is the ONLY reason animals/insects/Ryan Seacrest are supposed to have sex. None of this “it feels good” shit. Leave that to the dolphins.

The rest of us should be sterilized and set free amongst the beautiful. It’s a win-win situation. Us heathens still get to have sex, while not ruining God’s divine plan of creating a perfect universe.

This isn’t communism; it’s let’s-stop-ugly-people-from having-sexism.

Perfect example: Spencer and Heidi Pratt. I’m pretty sure all that’s popping out of that vag is a Barbie doll. A black one.

People tell me I’d be a great mother, um no I wouldn’t.

We are supposed to give our children values. I don’t have any of those. I’m not a talented person. I can’t sing, I can’t dance, I can’t have sex with two men at the same time.

My genes need to end.

I’m making this sacrifice for you America. Well, not the "not having sex" part, fuck all of you I need to get laid.