I hate people who think I’m mentally inept to accomplish anything just because I’m cute.
It’s like, “ooohhhh…ahhhh…she’s adorable….I doubt she can read.”
…Fuck you.
Some people just have so much baggage from middle school/high school/yesterday when I called that chick fat, that their subconscious won’t even allow them to believe someone could be cute and smart, or god forbid cute and funny.
…Fuck you!
You know I’d might even sympathize with you…or feel some version of pity…but you know what? I used to fucking be you.
Yeah that’s right, whore (or asshole).
I used to be fat/ugly/socially awkward/wear brightly colored leggings because I couldn’t fit into jeans like a normal person… for a whopping 14 years. I paid my fucking dues so you can shut the fuck up.
And guess what….fuck you!
Get over it… .and get off you fucking high horse, bitch (or dick).
And here’s the thing, I’m not even that cute. Put a picture of me next to Angelina Jolie and people would be like “Who’s the dude?”
I’m a solid 6.5 if you don’t catch me shoving mayo in my mouth.
So… let’s be honest, if you’re getting this bitchy (or dicky) based on the way I look…you may never want to turn on a television/read a magazine/ eat Taco Bell…because they have these things called…."models".
… and just in case you did not know what a “model” was…”models” are what mundane people call very pretty people (boys or girls) who get paid based solely on their looks.
I know I know…you could never be one.
Oh wait you think you could?
Stop it…stop it! You’re going to make me go!
…oh…wait…I just peed a little.
You, my friend, are a riot.
Oh wait…that’s right…I’m the riot…not you.
Suck on that.
Bitch (or dick).