Again I’m supposed to tell you 7 random facts about me, but since I’ve already done that I thought I’d be a little more specific. And thus I give you (drum roll please)....
1. The sound of a zit popping.
… it’s the sound of perfection and poor hygiene.
2. People fitting a racial stereotype
… doesn’t this make us all feel warm and gooey inside? Doesn’t it?
3. Guys with really really really light eyebrows.
…I t makes their eyes look all crazy and just makes me giggle.
4. This guy…
... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s0DKV0bYJ5s
5. When boyfriends are obligated to think you are funny.
… it’s true…. You aren’t getting laid if you don’t tell me I’m funny.
6. Mo’Nique.
…come on! Did you not see her oscar interview? She talked about how she never shaved…. I almost pissed my pants laughing.
7. Ridiculous amounts of mayo.
… yes this was on the old list….but I fucking love it!
Now on to the awards….
2. When Red Means Go
3. The Blonde Beer Babe
4. Steam Me Up, Kid
5. Tales from Whiskey-Ville
6. Sara Swears A lot
7. One Crazy Brunette Chick
8. One Sassy Vixen
9. NYC Island Gal
10. Mommy Wants Vodka
11. What Would Ninja Do
12. Livit, Luvit
13. Laugh Out Loud
14. In Review: Stuff and Things
15. Life Just Keeps Getting Weirder